async void – How to Tame the Asynchronous Nightmare

You’re an intermediate dotnet programmer and you mostly know your way around using Tasks. You sprinkle async and await through your code, and everything is working just as expected. You’ve heard time and time again that you always want the return types of your asynchronous methods to be a Task (or Task<T>) and that async void is essentially the root of all evil. No sweat.

One day you go to wire up an event handler using the syntax myObject.SomeEvent += SomeEventHandler, and your event handler needs to await some asynchronous code. You take all of the right steps and change your method signature to get that beautiful async Task added in, replacing void. But suddenly you get a compile error about your event handler not being compatible.

You feel trapped. You’re scared. And then you do the unspeakable…

You change your method signature for your event handler to async void and suddenly all of your compilation problems disappear right before your eyes. You hear the voices of all of the legendary dotnet programmers you look up to echoing in your mind: “What are you doing?! You cannot commit such a heinous coding crime!”. But it’s too late. You’ve succumbed to the powers of async void and all of your problems have appeared to vanish.

That is, until one day it all falls apart. And that’s when you did a search on the Internet and found this article.

Welcome, friend.

What’s Actually Wrong With async void?

Let’s start here with the basics. Here are a few of the dangers of using async void in your C# code:

  • Exceptions thrown in an “async void” method cannot be caught in the same way as they can in an “async Task” method. When an exception is thrown in an “async void” method, it will be raised on the Synchronization Context, which can cause the application to crash.
  • Because “async void” methods cannot be awaited, they can lead to confusing and hard-to-debug code. For example, if an “async void” method is called multiple times, it can lead to multiple instances of the method running concurrently, which can cause race conditions and other unexpected behavior.

I’d be willing to bet you’re here because of the first point. Your application is experiencing weird crashes, and you’re having a heck of a time diagnosing the issue and getting traces. We are unable to (traditionally) wrap calls to async void methods in try/catch blocks and actually have them work as we’d expect.

I wanted to demonstrate this with a simple bit of code that you can literally try out in your browser. Let’s discuss the code below (which, by the way, is using the top-level statements feature of .NET 7.0 so if you’re not used to seeing a C# program without a static void main… don’t be shocked!):

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

	// NOTE: uncomment the single line for each one of the scenarios below one at a time to try it out!
	// Scenario 1: we can await an async Task which allows us to catch exceptions
	//await AsyncTask();
	// Scenario 2: we cannot await an async void and as a result we cannot catch the exception
	// Scenario 3: we purposefully wrap the async void in a Task (which we can await), but it still blows up
	//await Task.Run(AsyncVoid);
catch (Exception ex)
	Console.WriteLine("Look! We caught the exception here!");
async void AsyncVoid()
	Console.WriteLine("Entering async void method");
	await AsyncTask();
	// Pretend there's some super critical code right here
	// ...
	Console.WriteLine("Leaving async void method.");

async Task AsyncTask()
	Console.WriteLine("Entering async Task method");
	Console.WriteLine("About to throw...");
	throw new Exception("The expected exception");

As the code above shows, we have three example scenarios to look at. And seriously, jump over to the link and try them each out by uncommenting one of those lines at a time.

Scenario 1

In scenario 1, we see our old faithful friend async Task. This task is going to throw an exception when we run the program, and since we are awaiting an async Task, the wrapping try/catch block is able to catch the exception just as we’d expect.

Scenario 2

In scenario 2, this might seem like some code that brought you here. The dreaded async void. When you run this one, you’ll notice that we print information that we’re about to throw the exception… But then we never see the indication that we’re leaving the async void method! In fact, we just see the line indicating the program has ended. How spooky is that?

Scenario 3

In scenario 3, this might look like an attempt you have tried to solve your async void woes. Surely if we wrap the async void in a Task, we can await that, and then we’ll go back to being safe… right? Right?! No. In fact, in .NET Fiddle you’ll actually see that it prints “Unhandled exception”. That’s not something we have in our code, that’s something scarier firing off *AFTER* our program is complete.

What’s Actually Actually The Problem?

Fundamentally, no matter how you try to massage code around, if you have an event handler the return type of it must be void to hook up to a C# event using the + operator.


This means that even if you try to refactor all of your code to avoid this, you’re only “fixing” the issue by running away from it. And yes, while I agree if possible you should try and write code that doesn’t trap you into crappy patterns, sometimes curiosity wins out.

Is there a way that we could still have our event handlers as async void (so that we can await things inside of them)? Yes, of course! And the added bonus of the method that we’re going to dive into is that it’s not restricted to just event handlers. You can leverage this pattern on any old async void method you have lying around.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. I often find myself designing objects with events on them and I try to restrict my usage to this exact scenario. You know, the one that all of the C# gurus say “Fine, if you MUST use async void then… Make sure it’s for an event handler on a button or something”.

So let’s look at how we can make that a less painful experience going forward.

Waking Up From The async void Nightmare

You’ve been patient enough, so let’s dive right into it. If you want to follow along with a working demo right in your browser, check out this link.

Here’s the demo code, which we’ll cover right after:

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;

var someEventRaisingObject = new SomeEventRaisingObject();

// notice the async void. BEHOLD!!
someEventRaisingObject.TheEvent += async (s, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine("Entering the event handler...");
	await TaskThatIsReallyImportantAsync();
	Console.WriteLine("Exiting the event handler...");

	// forcefully fire our event!
	await someEventRaisingObject.RaiseEventAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
	Console.WriteLine($"Caught an exception in our handler: {ex.Message}");

// just block so we can wait for async operations to complete
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");

async Task TaskThatIsReallyImportantAsync()
	// switch between these two lines (comment one or the other out) to play with the behavior
	throw new Exception("This is an expected exception");
	//await Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("Look at us writing to the console from a task!"));
class SomeEventRaisingObject
	// you could in theory have your own event args here
	public event EventHandler<EventArgs> TheEvent;
	public Task RaiseEventAsync()
		// the old way (if you toggle this way with the exception throwing, it will not hit our handler!)
		//TheEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
		//return Task.CompletedTask;
		// the new way (if you toggle this way with the exception throwing, it WILL hit our handler!)
		return InvokeAsync(TheEvent, true, true, this, EventArgs.Empty);
	private async Task InvokeAsync(
            MulticastDelegate theDelegate,
            bool forceOrdering,
            bool stopOnFirstError,
            params object[] args)
            if (theDelegate is null)

            var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

            // this is used to try and ensure we do not try and set more
            // information on the TaskCompletionSource after it is complete
            // due to some out-of-ordering issues
            bool taskCompletionSourceCompleted = false;

            var delegates = theDelegate.GetInvocationList();
            var countOfDelegates = delegates.Length;

            // keep track of exceptions along the way and a separate collection
            // for exceptions we have assigned to the TCS
            var assignedExceptions = new List<Exception>();
            var trackedExceptions = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();

            foreach (var @delegate in theDelegate.GetInvocationList())
                var async = @delegate.Method
                    .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AsyncStateMachineAttribute), false)

                bool waitFlag = false;
                var completed = new Action(() =>
                    if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref countOfDelegates) == 0)
                        lock (taskCompletionSource)
                            if (taskCompletionSourceCompleted)


                            if (!trackedExceptions.Any())
                            else if (trackedExceptions.Count == 1)
                                taskCompletionSource.SetException(new AggregateException(assignedExceptions));

                            taskCompletionSourceCompleted = true;

                    waitFlag = true;
                var failed = new Action<Exception>(e =>

                if (async)
                    var context = new EventHandlerSynchronizationContext(completed, failed);

                catch (TargetParameterCountException e)
                catch (TargetInvocationException e) when (e.InnerException != null)
                    // When exception occured inside Delegate.Invoke method all exceptions are wrapped in
                    // TargetInvocationException.
                catch (Exception e)

                if (!async)

                while (forceOrdering && !waitFlag)
                    await Task.Yield();

                if (stopOnFirstError && trackedExceptions.Any() && !taskCompletionSourceCompleted)
                    lock (taskCompletionSource)
                        if (!taskCompletionSourceCompleted && !assignedExceptions.Any())
                            if (trackedExceptions.Count == 1)
                                taskCompletionSource.SetException(new AggregateException(assignedExceptions));

                            taskCompletionSourceCompleted = true;


            await taskCompletionSource.Task;

        private class EventHandlerSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
            private readonly Action _completed;
            private readonly Action<Exception> _failed;

            public EventHandlerSynchronizationContext(
                Action completed,
                Action<Exception> failed)
                _completed = completed;
                _failed = failed;

            public override SynchronizationContext CreateCopy()
                return new EventHandlerSynchronizationContext(

            public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
                if (state is ExceptionDispatchInfo edi)
                    base.Post(d, state);

            public override void Send(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
                if (state is ExceptionDispatchInfo edi)
                    base.Send(d, state);

            public override void OperationCompleted() => _completed();

Understanding The Scenarios

There are two classes of things that we can play with in this code snippet:

  • Toggle between what TaskThatIsReallyImportantAsync does. You can either safely print to the console, or have it throw an exception so you can experiment with the happy vs bad path. This alone isn’t the focus of the article, but it allows you to try different situations.
  • Toggle the behavior of RaiseEventAsync, which will show you the not-so-great behavior of async void compared to our solution! Mix this with the previous option to see how we can improve our ability to catch exceptions.

How It Works

This solution is something I heavily borrowed from Oleg Karasik. In fact, his original article does such a fantastic job explaining how he built out the algorithm feature at a time. So I give full credit to him because without his post, I never would have put together what I am showing here.

The main take aways regarding how this works are that:

  • We can use a custom synchronization context, specifically for handling events, that take a custom completed/failed callback.
  • We can use reflection to check for AsyncStateMachineAttribute to see if our handler is truly marked as async or not.
  • GetInvocationList allows us to get the entire chain of handled registered to an event.
  • DynamicInvoke allows us to invoke the delegate without the compiler screaming about types.

When you combine the above, we can also layer in a couple of other features:

  • forceOrdering: This boolean flag can force each handler to run in the order that they were registered or if it’s disabled, the handlers can run asynchronously with each other.
  • stopOnFirstError: This boolean flag can prevent the code from firing off the subsequent event handlers if one of them raises an exception.

In the end, we are able to set information on a TaskCompletionSource instance that indicates completion or an exception being tracked.

Cool Stuff! What Did You Contribute?

Good question! Aside from just trying to raise awareness of this code that I think is super cool, I have made my own adjustments. While I really loved what the original code offered, it wasn’t particularly how I’d like to have access to it in my own codebase.

Multicast Delegates

When I got to playing around with this code, I realized that the things I wanted to support are all essentially this type called a MulticastDelegate. This means EventHandler, EventHandler<T>, and even Action, Action<T>, Action<T1, T2>, etc… are all technically supported by this approach.

I wanted to offer this in the library support so if there was a situation outside of event handlers where this showed up, then I would have a solution to work with. When does that happen? Not very often, really. However, now if I ever come across a situation where I need an Action with an async void implementation, I can sleep easy at night.

Extension Methods

From a technical perspective, this isn’t all that impressive. However, from a quality of life perspective, I wanted to build out a library that had access to extension methods that were really obvious for me about their use case. Breaking these out further to separate EventHandler<T> support from Action support meant that I could have cleaner APIs. For example, every EventHandler<T> must have a sender and an EventArgs instance. However, an Action does not require either and therefore should have an API that is aligned to that. Similarly, the more type parameters on Action the more arguments I should allow.

Aggregate Exceptions

When we’re dealing with a bunch of handlers that can throw exceptions, we can run into a similar situation where we’re not tracking all of the things that blow up. For most of us, that was the primary motivator anyway. But if you’re super unlucky, it wasn’t just a single handler blowing up… it was multiple.

Tracking exceptions allows us to throw an AggregateException if we have multiple. There are even tests to illustrate that this behavior is covered as we’d expect!

Let’s See An Example!

Okay, one last example using my variation. You can see the code below by checking out this link:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
var invoker = new GenericEventHandlerInvoker();
invoker.Event += async (s, e) =>
	await Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("Printing 1 from a task."));
	throw new InvalidOperationException("expected 1!");
invoker.Event += async (s, e) =>
	await Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("Printing 2 from a task."));
	throw new InvalidOperationException("expected 2!");

	await invoker.InvokeAsync(
		ordered: false,
		stopOnFirstError: false);
catch (Exception ex)
	Console.WriteLine("We caught the exception!");


class GenericEventHandlerInvoker
	public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Event;

	public async Task InvokeAsync(
		bool ordered,
		bool stopOnFirstError)
		// here is the extension method syntax we can see from NexusLabs.Framework
		await Event

Like the earlier example, we have an object that’s going to raise events for us that we can subscribe to. In this example though, we will register two async void methods. Each method will print to the console and then throw an exception. We wrap the invocation of the event itself in a try catch so we can prove the behavior we expect, which is we must be able to catch the exceptions from async void.

If you run this code as is, you will note that you get both lines printed to the console. You can change this by inverting the value for stopOnFirstError. You will also notice that by not stopping on the first error, we actually had an AggregateException get thrown that contains both of our exceptions.

Finally, if you look towards the end of the file you will see that I have this all wrapped up in an extension method called InvokeAsync, which you can mostly invoke like a normal event. There are other flavors of this that express the ordering directly in the name of the method instead of passing it as a parameter if you prefer it for verbosity purposes.

Prefer to Watch About async void?

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Wrapping Up async void

Hopefully, this article will save you from the nightmare that is async void. I have this code up in a repository on GitHub, and to be clear, my intention is not to get you to download and use my package/repo. It’s nice if you’d like to, but I made this library for me to save time on my C# projects. If I have an angry mob of people chasing me down regularly for async/await issues that will probably lower my quality of life.

I hope this article serves as a reminder to folks that when we hear “It can’t be done” or “Never do X” or “Always do Y”, we shouldn’t always stop in our tracks without trying to understand further. When we have constraints, this is when we come up with the most creative solutions!

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Nick Cosentino Principal Software Engineering Manager
Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft. Views are my own.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kori

    Hmm, is there a more concrete example that would make this a little easier to understand?

    1. Nick Cosentino

      Hey Kori! Thanks for the question!

      I think the best example is when thinking about either WinForms or WPF controls. These generally use event handlers so you can do things like subscribe to when a button is clicked. They follow the pattern of hooking up a method that has the signature:

      private void MyButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

      So if you had been building up your back end library code to be all based on async/await patterns, by the time you want to actually call a method that follows this design, you’d either need to:
      1) Fire and forget the task from your click event handler
      2) Try and await the task, but this would force you to convert the event handler to async void

      Both suck, unfortunately, and it fundamentally comes down to the fact that once you put a void in the call stack of all of your async await code, it breaks down.

      Using the approach in this article, when you are invoking events, you can now capture the exception information as expected.

      Hopefully that helps!

      1. Peter

        I think an example showing how to use with private void MyButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) would be very helpful.
        As an aside I find your color scheme very hard to read.

        1. Nick Cosentino

          Thanks for the feedback, Peter. I will try to increase the contrast so that the text stands out more. I wanted to go with a darker theme so it was easier on the eyes, but I guess that defeats the purpose if eyes are straining to try and read the content in the end.

          For an example using something like this:
          MyButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

          This approach will only work if you control the invocation of the event itself. Thus, if you are not the one ever doing the event raising (say it comes from the main UI loop and not something you own), then you do not get the same opportunity to hook in. In my own experience, when I am building systems that have event handlers or even small UI frameworks for games I end up having such control.

          I think it would be a fun exercise to see if there’s a way we could effectively inject this type of handling so WinForms & WPF applications could take advantage of it with events raised by their main UI loop.

  2. Marton Balassa

    Imo this solution has a few problems. First, it hides the non-standard behaviour completely. You have a void event type on a class, and without looking into the class’ implementation, you can’t tell that it’s invoking the event handlers in some esotheric way. You can’t look at this class as a black box and predict its behavior just from looking at the public members. Second, it changes the synchronization context, which again is unpredictable and might lead to unwanted behavior. A much cleaner solution would be to explicitly declare async event handlers and invoke them asynchronously. You can, in fact, combine delegates of arbitrary return types. See full implementation with examples here:

    1. Nick Cosentino

      Thanks, I appreciate the comment!

      For your implementation, if you wanted to support something like INotifyPropertyChanged interface, could you elaborate on how that might work? A lot of what I have written about is how I’ve “solved” this problem for code in my own code base, so I cannot claim (and I hope that I don’t come across as claiming) that this is a solution that will solve all scenarios for everyone.

      I suppose the point of the article was to illustrate that there are ways to work around this notion that “async void” is this thing that we have zero options to work around with respect to event handlers. If it gets the conversation going about different ways folks can address it, then great 🙂

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