Combining Blazor Plugins With Quartz Jobs – Dev Leader Weekly 29

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What’s In This Issue

Blazor Plugins for Quartz Jobs

Where We Left Off With Quartz

If you’ve been following along in the Blazor build series, then you’ll know that in the last update, we reached a point in our plugin API design where we hit a bit of a roadblock. Originally, I had suggested that we might be able to work with a plugin facade, and this would allow us to hide the fact we have many plugins and then ask to query for the relevant data all at once through a common interface. However, this would fall apart when we started to look at Quartz and how to set it up.

Here’s what things were looking like where we last left off:

Blazor Plugins with Quartz Job Scheduler - Old Relationship

In the picture above, we have Quartz inside of the Blazor app and then a Facade layer that sits in front of the plugins. That meant that the one Quartz job we’d go to create would (unknowingly) go pull data from each plugin. To the job, it only looks like one data fetching API thanks to the facade.

The Quartz API Constraints

After getting Quartz dropped in and checking out what we had to work with, it made a lot more sense to consider a job that could be scheduled for each plugin. This meant that instead of the plugin API strictly providing an interface for fetching data, it could expose some job information. However, the way that we needed to load that into Quartz was feeling awful due to the plugin needing to expose a type object.

And… that’s gross for a couple of reasons:

  • It’s just a type object! There’s no enforcement at compile time as to what type it will refer to so it would be easy to do incorrectly.
  • It meant that the plugins would need to know about Quartz because the type they expose would need to be an IJob from Quartz.

These two things alone were enough for me to want to move away from the paradigm we started with.

The New Plugin Relationship

With these constraints in mind, going to a 1:1 relationship of Quartz job to plugin made more sense. But it wasn’t going to be without its challenges. Here’s what I wanted the new relationship to look like instead, where we resolve from the dependency container and skip the facade:

Blazor Plugins with Quartz Job Scheduler - 1 to 1

This meant that we did away with the facade class altogether and the plugins would no longer need to expose a gross API like this:

public sealed record SocialJobProvider(
    string JobTypeId,
    Type JobType, // FIXME: this is so gross :(
    TimeSpan Interval);

But instead, we could move towards this:

public sealed record SocialJobProvider(
    string JobTypeId,
    ISocialDataFetcher DataFetcher,
    TimeSpan Interval);

This is much closer to what we started with where a plugin just implemented an ISocialDataFetcher.

Dependency Injection & Job Scheduling

These two things had to change up a little bit from what I expected in the beginning — but I should have anticipated some change. I came from using Autofac for all of my dependency injection and wanted to ensure I could focus on the built-in dotnet DI framework. As a result, I had to move the job scheduling logic to be later than I anticipated, but the DI code is still pretty simple:

builder.Services.AddSingleton(x => new TwitterConfig(
    "Consumer Key Here",
    "Consumer Secret Here",
builder.Services.AddSingleton(x => new SocialJobProvider(

I’ll need to adapt this to pull from other assemblies later on — but I haven’t done this yet for the built-in framework. I have extensive experience with this in Autofac, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there!

As for the job scheduling, I can resolve all of the SocialJobProvider instances that come off of the DI framework and schedule jobs with the following code:

var schedulerFactory = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ISchedulerFactory>();
var quartz = await schedulerFactory.GetScheduler();
foreach (var socialJobProvider in app
    var jobKey = new JobKey(socialJobProvider.JobTypeId);
    var jobDetail = JobBuilder
        .SetJobData(new JobDataMap
            [nameof(ISocialDataFetcher)] = socialJobProvider.DataFetcher
    var jobTrigger = TriggerBuilder
        .WithIdentity(socialJobProvider.JobTypeId + "-trigger")
        .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x
    await quartz.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, jobTrigger);

Next Steps in Our Blazor App

The next steps are going to include wiring up Entity Framework! We’re at the point where we can likely pull Twitter data if we have the authentication properly configured, but we don’t have a spot to store it. I think it will be helpful for us to spec out some thoughts about what we need to store and how to store it so we can work on extending our prototype.

If you want to see a video walkthrough of this article, check out this early-access video here:

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As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I’ll see you next week.

​Nick “Dev Leader” Cosentino
[email protected]

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Nick Cosentino Principal Software Engineering Manager
Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft. Views are my own.